Dr. Yan Zhao (赵艳)
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark
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Office 3.2.58
Selma Lagerlöfs Vej 300
DK-9220, Aalborg Øst, Denmark
Email: yanz@cs.aau.dk
Short Bio
Dr. Yan Zhao is an Associate Professor with Aalborg University (AAU). She received the Ph.D. degree of Computer Science from Soochow University (advised by Prof. Kai Zheng), in 2020. She received the Master degree of Geographic Information System from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 2015. Her research interests include spatial database, trajectory computing, data mining, machine learning and deep learning.
What's New
- [TKDE] Hao Miao, Yan Zhao*, Chenjuan Guo*, Bin Yang, Kai Zheng, and Christian S. Jensen: Spatio-Temporal Prediction on Streaming Data: A Unified Federated Continuous Learning Framework. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2025), Accepted in January, 2025 (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TKDE] Zhichen Lai, Dalin Zhang, Huan Li, Christian S. Jensen, Hua Lu, Yan Zhao: LightCTS*: Lightweight Correlated Time Series Forecasting Enhanced with Model Distillation. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2024), Accepted in June, 2024 (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TKDE] Yan Zhao, Xuanlei Chen, Guanyu Ye, Fangda Guo, Kai Zheng∗, Xiaofang Zhou: Task Allocation in Spatial Crowdsourcing: An Efficient Geographic Partition Framework. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2024), Accepted in March, 2024 (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TKDE] Shuncheng Liu, Xu Chen, Yan Zhao, Han Su, Xiaofang Zhou, Kai Zheng∗: Comfort-aware Lane Change Planning with Exit Strategy for Autonomous Vehicle. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2023), Accepted in December, 2023 (Core A*, CCF A)
- [DSE] Haitian Chen, Ziwei Wang, Yunchuan Li, Ruixin Yang, Yan Zhao, Rui Zhou, Kai Zheng: Deep Learning-Based Bloom Filter for Efficient Multi-key Membership Testing. Data Science and Engineering 8 (3), 234-246 (2023) (CCF C)
- [TKDE] Hao Miao, Xiaolong Zhong, Jiaxin Liu, Yan Zhao*, Xiangyu Zhao, Weizhu Qian, Kai Zheng, Christian S. Jensen: Task Assignment with Efficient Federated Preference Learning in Spatial Crowdsourcing. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2023), Accepted in August, 2023 (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TKDE] Weizhu Qian, Yan Zhao*, Dalin Zhang, Bowei Chen, Kai Zheng, Xiaofang Zhou: Towards A Unified Understanding of Uncertainty Quantification in Traffic Flow Forecasting. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2023), Accepted in August, 2023 (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TKDE] Kai Huang, Yue Cui, Qingqing Ye, Yan Zhao*, Xi Zhao, Yao Tian, Kai Zheng, Haibo Hu, Xiaofang Zhou: TED+: Towards Discovering Top-k Edge-Diversified Patterns in a Graph Database. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2023), Accepted in August, 2023 (Core A*, CCF A)
- [VLDBJ] Yan Zhao, Kai Zheng∗, Ziwei Wang, Liwei Deng, Bin Yang, Torben Bach Pedersen, Christian S. Jensen, Xiaofang Zhou: Coalition-based Task Assignment with Priority-aware Fairness in Spatial Crowdsourcing. The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases (2023), Accepted in June, 2023 (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TOIS] Yan Zhao, Liwei Deng, and Kai Zheng∗: AdaTaskRec: An Adaptive Task Recommendation Framework in Spatial Crowdsourcing. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (2023), Accepted in April, 2023 (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TKDE] Yan Zhao, Jiaxin Liu, Yunchuan Li, Dalin Zhang∗, Christian S. Jensen, and Kai Zheng∗: Preference-aware Group Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing: Effectiveness and Efficiency. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2023), Accepted in April, 2023 (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TKDE] Yan Zhao, Tinghao Lai, Ziwei Wang, Kaixuan Chen, Huan Li, and Kai Zheng∗: Worker-Churn-based Task Assignment with Context-LSTM in Spatial Crowdsourcing. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2023), Accepted in February, 2023 (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TKDE] Yan Zhao, Kai Zheng*, Yunchuan Li, Jinfu Xia, Bin Yang, Torben Bach Pedersen, Rui Mao, Christian S. Jensen, Xiaofang Zhou: Profit Optimization in Spatial Crowdsourcing: Effectiveness and Efficiency. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2022), Accepted in Novermber, 2022 (Core A*, CCF A)
- [arXiv] Yan Zhao, Liwei Deng, Xuanhao Chen, Chenjuan Guo, Bin Yang, Tung Kieu, Feiteng Huang, Torben Bach Pedersen, Kai Zheng, and Christian S. Jensen. A Comparative Study on Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Time Series: Experiments and Analysis. arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.04635 (2022)
- [TIST] Liwei Deng, Hao Sun, Rui Sun, Yan Zhao*, Han Su. Efficient and Effective Similar Subtrajectory Search: A Spatial-aware Comprehension Approach. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 13(3): 35:1-35:22 (2022)
- [TOIS] Yue Cui, Hao Sun, Yan Zhao, Hongzhi Yin, Kai Zheng*: Sequential-knowledge-aware Next POI Recommendation: A Meta-learning Approach. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 40(2): 23:1-23:22 (2022) (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TKDE] Xuanhao Chen, Yan Zhao, Guanfeng Liu, Rui Sun, Xiaofang Zhou, Kai Zheng*: Efficient Similarity-aware Influence Maximization in Geo-social Network. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 34(10): 4767-4780 (2022) (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TKDE] Yan Zhao, Kai Zheng*, Hongzhi Yin, Guanfeng Liu, Junhua Fang, Xiaofang Zhou: Preference-aware Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing: from Individuals to Groups. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 34(7): 3461-3477 (2022) (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TKDE] Meng Chen, Yan Zhao, Xiaohui Yu, Kai Zheng*: Modeling Spatial Trajectories with Attribute Representation Learning. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 34(4): 1902-1914 (2022) (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TKDE] Junhua Fang, Rong Zhang, Yan Zhao, Kai Zheng*, Xiaofang Zhou, Aoying Zhou: A-DSP: An Adaptive Join Algorithm for Dynamic Data Stream on Cloud System. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 33(5): 1861-1876 (2021) (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TKDE] Yan Zhao, Kai Zheng*, Yang Li, Han Su, Jiajun Liu, Xiaofang Zhou: Destination-aware Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing: A Worker Decomposition Approach. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 32(12): 2336-2350 (2020) (Core A*, CCF A)
- [TKDE] Kai Zheng, Yan Zhao*, Defu Lian, Bolong Zheng, Guanfeng Liu, Xiaofang Zhou: Reference-based Framework for Spatio-temporal Trajectory Compression and Query Processing. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 32(11): 2227-2240 (2020) (the first author is Yan Zhao’s supervisor) (Core A*, CCF A)
- [DPD] Hao Zhou, Yan Zhao*, Junhua Fang, Xuanhao Chen, Kai Zeng: Hybrid route recommendation with taxi and shared bicycles. Distributed and Parallel Databases 38(3): 563-583 (2020) (Core B, CCF C)
- [DSE] Xiang Li, Yan Zhao*, Xiaofang Zhou, Kai Zheng: Consensus-Based Group Task Assignment with Social Impact in Spatial Crowdsourcing. Data Science and Engineering 5 (4), 375-390 (2020)
- [WWWJ] Anqi Zhao, Guanfeng Liu, Bolong Zheng, Yan Zhao, Kai Zheng: Temporal Paths Discovery with Multiple Constraints in Attributed Dynamic Graphs. World Wide Web 23(1): 313-336 (2020) (Core A, CCF B)
- [MTA] Junwen Lu, Guanfeng Liu, Bolong Zheng, Yan Zhao, Kai Zheng: Social Context-aware Trust Paths Finding for Trustworthy Service Provider Selection in Social Media. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 78(17): 24473-24500 (2019) (Core B)
- [ICDE] Jinwen Chen, Jiannan Guo, Dazhuo Qiu, Yawen Li, Guanhua Ye Yan Zhao*, Kai Zheng*: DATA-WA: Demand-based Adaptive Task Assignment with Dynamic Worker Availability Windows. ICDE 2025, Hongkong, China (Core A*, CCF A)
- [ICDE] Hao Miao, Ziqiao Liu, Yan Zhao*, Kai Zheng, Yupu Zhang, Christian S. Jensen: Federated Trajectory Similarity Learning with Privacy-Preserving Clustering. ICDE 2025, Hongkong, China (Core A*, CCF A)
- [ICDE] Liwei Deng, Fei Wang, Tianfu Wang, Yan Zhao*, Yuyang Xia, Kai Zheng*: Exact and Efficient Similar Subtrajectory Search: Integrating Constraints and Simplification. ICDE 2025, Hongkong, China (Core A*, CCF A)
- [PVLDB] Liwei Deng, Penghao Chen, Ximu Zeng, Tianfu Wang, Yan Zhao*, Kai Zheng*: Efficient Data-aware Distance Comparison Operations for High-Dimensional Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search. PVLDB 2025, London, United Kingdom(Core A*, CCF A)
- [PVLDB] Liwei Deng, Tianfu Wang, Yan Zhao*, Kai Zheng*: MILLION: A General Multi-Objective Framework with Controllable Risk for Portfolio Management. PVLDB 2025, London, United Kingdom(Core A*, CCF A)
- [PVLDB] Hao Miao, Ziqiao Liu, Yan Zhao*, Chenjuan Guo, Bin Yang, Kai Zheng, Christian S. Jensen: Less is More: Efficient Time Series Dataset Condensation via Two-fold Modal Matching. PVLDB 2025, London, United Kingdom(Core A*, CCF A)
- [PVLDB] Chenjuan Guo, Ronghui Xu, Bin Yang, Yuan Ye, Tung Kieu, Yan Zhao, Christian S. Jensen: Efficient Stochastic Routing in Path-Centric Uncertain Road Networks. PVLDB 2024, Guangzhou, China (Core A*, CCF A)
- [WWW] Zhichen Lai, Huan Li, Dalin Zhang, Yan Zhao, Weizhu Qian, Christian S. Jensen: E2USD: Efficient-yet-effective Unsupervised State Detection for Multivariate Time Series. WWW 2024, Singapore (Core A*, CCF A)
- [ICDE] Ziqiao Liu, Hao Miao, Yan Zhao*, Chenxi Liu, Kai Zheng*, Huan Li: LightTR: A Lightweight Framework for Federated Trajectory Recovery. ICDE 2024, Utrecht, Netherlands (Core A*, CCF A)
- [ICDE] Yuchen Fang, Jiandong Xie, Yan Zhao*, Lu Chen, Yunjun Gao, Kai Zheng*: Temporal-Frequency Masked Autoencoders for Time Series Anomaly Detection. ICDE 2024, Utrecht, Netherlands (Core A*, CCF A)
- [ICDE] Hao Miao, Yan Zhao*, Chenjuan Guo*, Bin Yang, Kai Zheng, Feiteng Huang, Jiandong Xie, Christian S. Jensen: A Unified Replay-based Continuous Learning Framework for Spatio-Temporal Prediction on Streaming Data. ICDE 2024, Utrecht, Netherlands (Core A*, CCF A)
- [ICDE] Liwei Deng, Yan Zhao*, Jin Chen, Shuncheng Liu, Yuyang Xia, Kai Zheng*: Learning to Hash for Trajectory Similarity Computation and Search. ICDE 2024, Utrecht, Netherlands (Core A*, CCF A)
- [ICDE] Liwei Deng, Yan Zhao*, Yue Cui, Yuyang Xia, Jin Chen, Kai Zheng*: Task Recommendation in Spatial Crowdsourcing: A Trade-off between Diversity and Coverage. ICDE 2024, Utrecht, Netherlands (Core A*, CCF A)
- [ICDE] Jun Zhang, Huan Li, Dazhong Rong, Yan Zhao, Ke Chen, Lidan Shou: Preventing the Popular Item Embedding Based Attack in Federated Recommendations. ICDE 2024, Utrecht, Netherlands (Core A*, CCF A)
- [ICDM] Zibo Liang, Xu Chen, Yan Zhao, Jiandong Xie, Kai Zeng, Kai Zheng: Efficient Cardinality and Cost Estimation with Bidirectional Compressor-based Ensemble Learning. ICDM 2023, Shanghai, China (hybrid) (Core A*, CCF B)
- [CIKM] Shuhao Li, Yue Cui, Yan Zhao, Ruiyuan Zhang, Weidong Yang, Xiaofang Zhou: ST-MoE: Spatio-Temporal Mixture-of-Experts for Debiasing in Traffic Prediction. CIKM 2023, Birmingham, UK (Core A, CCF B)
- [CIKM] Xiaolong Zhong, Hao Miao, Dazhuo Qiu, Yan Zhao, Kai Zheng: Personalized Location-Preference Learning for Federated Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing. CIKM 2023, Birmingham, UK (Core A, CCF B)
- [SIGMOD] Zhichen Lai, Dalin Zhang, Huan Li, Christian Jensen, Hua Lu, Yan Zhao: LightCTS: A Lightweight Framework for Correlated Time Series Forecasting. SIGMOD 2023, Washington, USA (Core A*, CCF A)
- [DASFAA] Yunchuan Li, Ziwei Wang, Ruixin Yang, Yan Zhao, Rui Zhou, Kai Zheng: Learned Bloom Filter for Multi-key Membership Testing. DASFAA 2023, Tianjin, China (Core B, CCF B)
- [DASFAA] Yupu Zhang, Liwei Deng, Yan Zhao, Jin Chen, Kai Zheng: SimiDTR: Deep Trajectory Recovery with Enhanced Trajectory Similarity. DASFAA 2023, Tianjin, China (Core B, CCF B) (Best Student Paper Award Runner Up)
- [DASFAA] Liwei Deng, Yan Zhao, Hao Sun, Yang Changjie, Jiandong Xie, Kai Zheng: Fusing Local and Global Mobility Patterns for Trajectory Recovery. DASFAA 2023, Tianjin, China (Core B, CCF B)
- [ICDE] Weizhu Qian, Dalin Zhang, Yan Zhao*, Kai Zheng, James Yu: Uncertainty Quantification for Traffic Forecasting: A Unified Approach. ICDE 2023, Anaheim, California, USA (Core A*, CCF A)
- [WSDM] Xuanhao Chen, Liwei Deng, Yan Zhao*, Kai Zheng: Adversarial Autoencoder for Unsupervised Time Series Anomaly Detection and Interpretation. WSDM 2023, Singapore (Core A*, CCF B)
- [WSDM] Liwei Deng, Hao Sun, Yan Zhao, Shuncheng Liu, Kai Zheng: S^2TUL: A Semi-Supervised Framework for Trajectory-User Linking. WSDM 2023, Singapore (Core A*, CCF B)
- [CIKM] Liwei Deng, Yan Zhao, Zidan Fu, Hao Sun, Shuncheng Liu, Kai Zheng: Efficient Trajectory Similarity Computation with Contrastive Learning. CIKM 2022: 365-374, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (Core A, CCF B)
- [CIKM] Shuncheng Liu, Xu Chen, Yan Zhao, Jin Chen, Rui Zhou, Kai Zheng: Efficient Learning with Pseudo Labels for Query Cost Estimation. CIKM 2022: 1309-1318, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (Core A, CCF B)
- [CIKM] Jiaxin Liu, Liwei Deng, Hao Miao, Yan Zhao*, Kai Zheng: Task Assignment with Federated Preference Learning in Spatial Crowdsourcing. CIKM 2022: 1279-1288, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (Core A, CCF B)
- [CIKM] Xuanlei Chen, Yan Zhao*, Kai Zheng: Task Publication Time Recommendation in Spatial Crowdsourcing. CIKM 2022: 232-241, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (Core A, CCF B)
- [CIKM] Tinghao Lai, Yan Zhao*, Weizhu Qian, Kai Zheng: Loyalty-based Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing. CIKM 2022: 1014-1023, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (Core A, CCF B)
- [APWeB-WAIM] Chen Zhu, Yue Cui, Yan Zhao*, Kai Zheng: Task Assignment with Spatio-temporal Recommendation in Spatial Crowdsourcing. APWEB-WAIM 2022, Nanjing, China (Core B, CCF C) (Best Paper Award Runner Up)
- [SIGKDD] Jin Chen, Guanyu Ye, Yan Zhao, Shuncheng Liu, Liwei Deng, Xu Chen, rui zhou, Kai Zheng*: Efficient Join Order Selection Learning with Graph-based Representation. SIGKDD 2022: 97-107, Washington DC, US (Core A*, CCF A)
- [MDM] Dazhuo Qiu, Yihao Wang, Yan Zhao*, Liwei Deng, Kai Zheng: CityCross: Transferring Attention-based Knowledge for Location-based Advertising Recommendation. MDM 2022: 254-261, Virtual (Core B, CCF C) (Best Industry, Systems and Apps Award)
- [ICDE] Tung Kieu, Bin Yang, Chenjuan Guo, Christian S. Jensen, Yan Zhao, Feiteng Huang, Kai Zheng: Robust and Explainable Autoencoders for Time Series Outlier Detection. ICDE 2022: 3038-3050, (Virtual) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Core A*, CCF A)
- [ICDE] Xuanhao Chen, Yan Zhao*, Kai Zheng*, Bin Yang, Christian S. Jensen: Influence-aware Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing. ICDE 2022: 2141-2153, (Virtual) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Core A*, CCF A) (The first author is under my supervision when visiting Aalborg University, Denmark)
- [WWW] Yan Zhao, Xuanhao Chen, Liwei Deng, Tung Kieu, Chenjuan Guo, Bin Yang, Kai Zheng*, Christian S. Jensen: Outlier Detection for Streaming Task Assignment in Crowdsourcing. WWW 2022: 1933-1943, (Virtual) Lyon, France (Core A*, CCF A)
- [ICDE] Tung Kieu, Razvan Cirstea, Yan Zhao, Bin Yang, Chenjuan Guo, Yale Song, Christian S. Jensen: Anomaly Detection in Time Series with Robust Variational Quasi-Recurrent Autoencoders. ICDE 2022: 1342-1354, (Virtual) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Core A*, CCF A)
- [CCIS] Yan Zhao, Lianming Zhou, Liwei Deng, Vincent W. Zheng, Hongzhi Yin, Kai Zheng*: Subgraph Convolutional Network for Recommendation. CCIS 2021: 15-19, (Virtual) Xi’an, China
- [ICDM] Yunchuan Li, Yan Zhao*, Kai Zheng: Preference-aware Group Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing: A Mutual Information-based Approach. ICDM 2021: 350-359, Auckland, New Zealand (Core A*, CCF B)
- [CIKM] Guanyu Ye, Yan Zhao*, Xuanhao Chen, Kai Zheng: Task Allocation with Geographic Partition in Spatial Crowdsourcing. CIKM 2021: 2404-2413, Gold Coast, Australia (Core A, CCF B)
- [CIKM] Ziwei Wang, Yan Zhao*, Xuanhao Chen, Kai Zheng: Task Assignment with Worker Churn Prediction for Spatial Crowdsourcing. CIKM 2021: 2070-2079, Gold Coast, Australia (Core A, CCF B)
- [SIGKDD] Shuncheng Liu, Han Su, Yan Zhao, Kai Zeng, Kai Zheng. Lane Change Scheduling for Autonomous Vehicle: A Prediction-and-Search Framework. SIGKDD 2021: 3343-3353, (Virtual) Singapore (Core A*, CCF A)
- [ICDE] Yan Zhao, Kai Zheng*, Jiannan Guo, Bin Yang, Torben Bach Pedersen, Christian S. Jensen: Fairness-aware Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing: Game-Theoretic Approaches. ICDE 2021, 265-276, Crete, Greece (Core A*, CCF A)
- [ICDE] Yan Zhao, Jiannan Guo, Xuanhao Chen, Jianye Hao, Xiaofang Zhou, Kai Zheng*: Coalition-based Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing. ICDE 2021, 241-252, Crete, Greece (Core A*, CCF A)
- [ICDE] Xuanhao Chen, Liwei Deng, Feiteng Huang, Chengwei Zhang, Zongquan Zhang, Yan Zhao, Kai Zheng. DAEMON: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Interpretation for Multivariate Time Series. ICDE 2021: 2225-2230, Crete, Greece (Core A*, CCF A)
- [DASFAA] Hao Sun, Zijian Wu, Yue Cui, Liwei Deng, Yan Zhao, Kai Zheng. Personalized Knowledge-aware Recommendation with Hybrid Explanations. DASFAA 2021: 148-164, Taiwan, China (Core B, CCF B)
- [DASFAA] Liwei Deng, Xuanhao Chen, Yan Zhao, Kai Zheng. HIFI: Anomaly Detection for Multivariate Time Series with High-order Feature Interactions. DASFAA 2021: 641-649, Taiwan, China (Core B, CCF B)
- [ICDE] Yan Zhao, Kai Zheng*, Yue Cui, Han Su, Feida Zhu, Xiaofang Zhou: Predictive Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing: A Data-driven Approach. ICDE 2020: 13-24, Dallas, Texas, USA (Core A*, CCF A)
- [DASFAA] Xiang Li, Yan Zhao*, Jiannan Guo, Kai Zheng: Group task assignment with social impact-based preference in spatial crowdsourcing. DASFAA 2020: 677-693, Jeju, South Korea (Core B, CCF B)
- [ICDM] Huizhao Wang, Guanfeng Liu, Yan Zhao, Bolong Zheng, Pengpeng Zhao, Kai Zheng*: DMFP: A Dynamic Multi-faceted Fine-grained Preference Model for Recommendation. ICDM 2019: 608-617, Beijing, China (Core A*, CCF B)
- [IJCAI] Jinfu Xia, Yan Zhao (co-first author), Guanfeng Liu, Jiajie Xu, Min Zhang, Kai Zheng*: Profit-driven Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing. IJCAI 2019: 1914-1920, Macau, China (Core A*, CCF A)
- [SIGKDD] Yue Cui, Liwei Deng, Yan Zhao, Vicent W. Zheng, Bin Yao, Kai Zheng*: Hidden POI Ranking with Spatial Crowdsourcing. SIGKDD 2019: 814-824, Anchorage, Alaska (Core A*, CCF A)
- [AAAI] Yan Zhao, Jinfu Xia, Guanfeng Liu, Han Su, Defu Lian, Shuo Shang and Kai Zheng*: Preference-aware Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing. AAAI 2019: 2629-2636, Hawaiian, USA (Core A*, CCF A)
- [DASFAA] Huiping Yang, Yan Zhao, Jinfu Xia, Bin Yao, Min Zhang, Kai Zheng*: Music Playlist Recommendation with Long Short-Term Memory. DASFAA 2019: 416-432, Thailand (Core B, CCF B)
- [DASFAA] Lianming Zhou, Xuanhao Chen, Yan Zhao, Kai Zheng*: Top-K Spatio-Topic Query on Social Media Data. DASFAA 2019: 678-693, Thailand (Core B, CCF B)
- [WISE] Maoxiang Hao, Zhixu Li*, Yan Zhao and Kai Zheng: Mining High-Quality Fine-Grained Type Information from Chinese Online Encyclopedias. WISE 2018: 345-360, Dubai (Core A, CCF C)
- [DASFAA] Wenyan Yang, Yan Zhao, Bolong Zheng*, Guanfeng Liu and Kai Zheng: Modeling Travel Behavior Similarity with Trajectory Embedding. DASFAA 2018: 630-646, Australia (Core B, CCF B)
- [DASFAA] Mengdi Jia, Yan Zhao, Bolong Zheng, Guanfeng Liu and Kai Zheng*: A Time-aware Path-based Publish/Subscribe Framework. DASFAA 2018: 511-528, Australia (Core B, CCF B)
- [SIGKDD] Yan Zhao, Shuo Shang, Yu Wang, Bolong Zheng, Quoc Viet Hung Nguyen and Kai Zheng*: REST: A Reference-based Framework for Spatio-temporal Trajectory Compression. SIGKDD 2018: 2797-2806, London, UK (Core A*, CCF A)
- [CIKM] Yan Zhao, Yang Li, Yu Wang, Han Su, Kai Zheng*: Destination-aware Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing. CIKM 2017: 297-306, Singapore (Core A, CCF B)
- [APWEB] Yan Zhao, Jia Zhu*, Mengdi Jia, Wenyan Yang, Kai Zheng: A Novel Hybrid Friends Recommendation Framework for Twitter. APWEB 2017: 83-97, Beijing, China (Core B, CCF C)
- Yan Zhao, Liwei Deng, Xuanhao Chen, Chenjuan Guo, Bin Yang, Tung Kieu, Feiteng Huang,Torben Bach Pedersen, Kai Zheng, Christian S. Jensen: A Comparative Study on Unsupervised Anomaly Detection forTime Series: Experiments and Analysis.
- Zijian Zhang, Hao Miao, Yuxuan Liang, Yan Zhao, Xiao Han, Bin Yang, Christian S. Jensen: Web-Centric Human Mobility Analytics: Methods, Applications, and Future Directions in the LLM Era. WWW 2025, 28 April - 2 May, Sydney
- PC member, the 40th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2024), April 16–19, 2024
- PC member, the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (SIGKDD 2023), August 6-10, 2023
- PC member, the 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2023), August 19-25, 2023
- Senior PC member, the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2023), February 7-14, 2023
- PC member, the 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2023), August 28 to September 1, 2023
- PC member, the 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2023), April 3–7, 2023
- Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
- PC member, the 28th SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD 2022), August 14-18, 2022
- PC member, the 31st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2022), October 17-22, 2022
- External Reviewer, the 48th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2022), 5th-9th September, 2022
- PC member, the 31st International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2022), 23th-29th July, 2022
- PC member, the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022), 22nd February-1st March, 2022
- PC member, the 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2021), Gold Coast, Australia, 1-5 Nov, 2021
- External Reviewer, the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (SIGKDD 2021), 14th-18th August, 2021
- Senior PC member, 2021 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2021), Montreal, Canada, 21st-26th August, 2021
- PC member, The 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2nd-9th February, 2021
- PC member, The 22nd International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2021)
- PC member, SpatialDI 2021, Hangzhou, China, 23th-24th April, 2021
- Leading guest editor, Special Issue on Spatial Crowdsourcing on Applied Sciences
- Best Student Paper Award Runner Up at DASFAA 2023
- AAU pedagogy prize 2023, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Excellent doctoral thesis of Jiangsu Province, China
- Best Paper Award Runner Up at APWeB-WAIM 2022
- Best industry, systems and apps award at MDM 2022
- Best Paper Award Nomination at ICDM 2021, being invited to be published in KAIS special issue of best papers
- ACM SIGSPATIAL China Chapter Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2021
- AAAI 2019 Travel Award
- SIGKDD 2018 Travel Award
- CIKM 2017 Travel Award
- Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) Scholarship, Germany
- AI for the People: Bridging project, "Outlier Detection in Constructing Kinetic Models of Analogue Metabolic Reaction Cycles", Aalborg University, Denmark